Lesotho Challenge

Dot Salmon, a Guide leader in Northallerton and a member of the Northallerton and Bedale Trefoil Guild, has been selected to join one of the Trefoil Guild’s international TOPAZ (Trefoil Overseas Partnerships: Adventure with Zest) projects in October this year.  She will be part of a team of five Trefoil Guild members from England and Wales going to Lesotho, to join the Lesotho Girl Guides Association as they take Guiding from schools into the community, and to help with their plans to celebrate the centenary of Guiding in Lesotho next year.
The challenge is for fun and for people to find out a bit more about Lesotho.  It includes activities suitable for all sections.  Badges (£1.50) and pens (£1) are on sale to support the project, as each participant has to raise £3000 towards the costs.
If anyone would like more information, or would like to order badges, just drop Dot  an email at northallertonguides@gmail.com

Thrifty at 50 Challenge

Our Thrifty at 50 Challenge pack has been produced to celebrate the 50th birthday of Girlguiding North Yorkshire North East!

The challenge is for all members of Girlguiding.  The fun activities have been designed to be free or as a cheap as possible as well as environmentally friendly and/or sustainable.  

Many thanks to Emily, Becca and Lizzie who designed the challenge.    

The Thrifty at 50 Challenge Pack is available to download below.  Badges can be ordered using the form at the back of the challenge pack.  

We hope you have fun taking part in our Thrifty at 50 Challenge! 


County commissioner's Challenge

Our County commissioner Rachel has set herself the challenge of visiting 50 units, hearing 50 promises and giving our 50 awards during 2024, to celebrate the County’s 50th birthday.

All units visited take part in a special challenge and receive a sparkly badge!

If you’d like Rachel to visit your Unit please get in touch.